Diniargeo S.r.l adalah perusahaa pabrikan dari ITALIA yang memproduksi timabangan sejak 100 tahun yang lalu hingga saat ini, mulai dari timbangan kecil, menengah dan berat untuk memenuhi pasar dunia.

Indikator DFWKRP berat digital multifungsi dalam versi Rak lengkap dengan 4 konektor untuk menghubungkan platform, baterai isi ulang bawaan, pengisi daya baterai, printer termal, waktu/tanggal, dan wadah. Ini sangat cocok untuk aplikasi penimbangan kendaraan. CE-M (OIML R-76 / EN 45501).

- Available on panel:
- 1 RS232/C (or optionally RS485) bi-directional 9-pin port for PC.
- Available in the indicator:
- 1 RS232/C port configurable for connection with printer.
- The weight of the single platform is legal for trade.
- The total weight of the vehicle is legal for trade depending on the application:
- The wheel weighing systems, with a number of platforms equal to the number of vehicle's wheels, are approved, because the weight of the vehicle is determined in only one weigh
- The axle weighing systems are for internal use only.
- The CE-M division in which the total weight of the vehicle is indicated in the wheels weighing systems (4 platforms) is equal to the sum of the single platforms’ divisions, rounded. Example: with 4 approved platforms with division 200g, the approved sum weight will be indicated with division 1kg.
- EU Type Examination Certificate (45501:2015)
- OIML R76

- Zero cycle on all the connected platforms.
- Visualisation of the weight of each single platform, of the total weight or of any combination of the platforms.
- Visualisation of the weight of each axle (rms) and of the total weight.
- Simple vehicle weighing with printing of the weights of each single wheel and of the total weight.
- Totalisation of Tractor + Trailer, with printing of the subtotals and of the vehicle total.
- Static axle totalisation, with printing of the weight of each single axle and of the vehicle total.
- Simple input/output.
- Input/Output with axle totalisation.
- Grand total of the weighed vehicles.
- Calculation and printing of the barycentre.
- PRINTING: Configurable print layout with:
- 4 header lines.
- Weight of each single platform and sum of any their combination.
- Total vehicle weight.
- Grand total of weighed vehicles.
- Vehicle barycentre coordinates.
- Ticket number.
- Weighs number.
- Code 39 bar code.
- Date and time.
Main Features:
- Waterproof functional keyboard with 17 keys.
- LCD backlit display with 6 25-mm high contrast digits and with indication of active functions.
- Rack type metallic case.
- Calibration, set-up parameters, printouts, etc., all configurable from keyboard.
- Instrument management & configuration from PC with DINITOOLS.
- Up to 10.000e in single range mode @ 0,3 µV/e in CE-M approved version for legal for trade use.
- Up to 1.000.000 displayable divisions with internal resolution up to 3.000.000 points.
- A/D 24-bit 4-channel sigma-delta conversion, up to 200 conv./sec. autoselect and up to 8 signal linearization points.
- Fitted with 4 connectors for connection to 4 platforms.
- Connectable with up to 25 analogue load cells having 1000 Ohm input resistance.
- Built-in rechargeable battery (10-hour minimum operating time) with fitted external 12 Vdc / 230 Vac adapter.
- Fitted with thermal printer, time/date, case for housing indicator and with space for other accessories.
- Dimensions: 325x460x170 mm; Total weight: about 5 kg.