Axle Play Detector
Alat uji pengecekan komponen bawah kendaraan, Axle Play detector C-PD XL series, adalah alat uji untuk komponen bawah kendaraan seperti tie-road, bolt joint, arm, bearing, yang sangat kuat dan mudah digunakan. Desain mekanik perawatan rendah menjamin masa pakai yang lama. Mode pengoperasian satu tangan memungkinkan pendeteksian kerusakan, keausan dan kebocoran pada bagian bawah komponen kendaraan pada bagian kemudi, bantalan roda, sistem pegas dan suspensi.

Seri C-PD XL adalah detektor putar hidraulik yang digunakan untuk memeriksa kondisi sistem suspensi dan sistem kemudi pada sasis kendaraan. Detektor pergeseran dibuat oleh tiga bahagian: solusinya juga disajikan dengan sejumlah fitur menarik 6 Gerakan, 8 Gerakan, Gandar Ganda, (dengan nirkabel & sensor jarak jauh portable), Axle Play parkir otomatis kembali saat setelah digunakan yang dapat diprogram (opsi).
- Single control of test plates
- Hydraulically operated test plates
- Plate movement in counter direction (6 ways) and (8 ways)
- Material coatink Boardes
- Check of: axle suspension, axle stub, wheel bearing, tie-rod ends, stabiliser, trolley pivot, twin-axle suspension, trailer coupling device
- Easy and convenient operation owing to single-touch mode
- Automatic or manual operation at choice
- Automatic centering after testing simulation (C-PD)
- Hydraulic, unit and control cabinet
- Radio remote control with LED lamp
- Test lamp with long-life LEDs
- Keypad with oil- and petro-resistant foil

- Standard: European Union Directive 2014/45/EU.
- Platform material Galvanized.
- Otomatis parkir sistem.
- Radio remote control.

Include Accessories :
- Foundation tube for basic foundations
- Foundation tube for Head light testing places
- Hydraulic lines
- Neon lights for lighting for pit under check
Specification :
- Maximum axle load:
- C-PD52: 16000kg
- C-PD72: 18000kg
- C-PD82: 20000kg
- Whee Load Range:
- C-PD52: 8000kg
- C-PD72: 9000kg
- C-PD82: 10000kg
- Dimension Plate foundation C-PD series:
- C-PD52-XL: 750 x 900 x 10mm
- C-PD72-XL: 750 x 900 x 10mm
- C-PD82-XL: 750 x 900 x 16mm
- C-PD72: 750 x 750 x 14mm
- Max trust per site: 30 kN
- Testing speed: 5-15 cm/s
- Needed hydraulic oil amount: 30 Liters
- Hydraulic oil type HLP46
- Weight: 600 Kg
- Max hydraulic pressure: 120 Bar
- Motor power: 4 kW
- Hydraulic dimension: C-PD52: 550 x 510 x 700mm
- Power Supply:AC400V/50Hz, AC230V/60Hz with grounding