Axle Load Scales
Diniargeo S.r.l adalah perusahaa pabrikan dari ITALIA yang memproduksi timabangan sejak 100 tahun yang lalu hingga saat ini, mulai dari timbangan kecil, menengah dan berat untuk memenuhi pasar dunia.

RWS adalah platform penimbangan ganda (axle load) yang dirancang untuk membangun stasiun penimbangan untuk memeriksa bobot MST (Muatan Sumbu Terberat) kendaraan. RWS juga memungkinkan untuk menghitung berat kendaraan yang sedang melintasi dengan menjumlahkan berbagai sumbu, ditimbang saat diam atau bergerak. RWS telah mendapatkan persetujuan CE Directive 2014/31/EU untuk verifikasi berat gandar
Features :
- Designed for controlled-access weighing stations, with vehicle transit at reduced speed within 5km/h (refer to installation manual for more information)
- Accuracy 1% for internal use, 2% for legal for trade use. These accuracies can be obtained by following the installation specifications and instructions in the installation manual.
- Anti-slipping loading surface made of sheet metal, sized to withstand any load on the basis of the parameters dictated by the Directive 96/53/EC (maximum load on single axle for vehicles transiting in Europe).
- Steel beam supporting structure.
- Sized to weigh axles up to 20t and detect axle overloads up to 30t (refer to product manual for use and maintenance conditions).
- Complete with frame for the containment, made up of a single bearing structure, in welded painted steel, that does not require assembly. It facilitates the installation of the scale and simplifies the masonry.
- Sandblasting and varnishing with bi-component epoxy coating, highly resistant to corrosion.
- Dimensions of the load surface (lxw): 3 x 0.73 m.
- 6 compression load cells, class C3, stainless steel, with IP68 protection.
- 20m cable for connection to the weight indicator.
- Dust and waterproof wirings and connections, easy to connect and disconnect.
- Hermetic junction box.
- Central inspected trapdoors for the ordinary maintenance.
- Wide range of connectable weight indicators, also functioning with rechargeable battery, which allow to use the platform also without an electrical power supply.
Main applications
- The axle weighing system is ideal to:
- Check the weight of each axle or of all the various sums of weights and detect any overloads.
- Check the weight of the material transported by the vehicle and carry out simple checks on incoming/outgoing goods.

Fungsi penimbangan stasioner memungkinkan kendaraan ditimbang dengan menjumlahkan bobot masing-masing gandar. Selain menjadi cara penimbangan yang paling hemat biaya, alat ini juga menghindari penalti akibat beban gandar yang berlebihan. Fungsi penimbangan dalam gerakan memungkinkan Anda meminimalkan waktu penimbangan, dimana berat diperoleh saat kendaraan melewati timbangan, tanpa perlu berhenti untuk menimbang setiap gardan. Penimbangan yang rutin secara berlangsung sangat cocok sekali menggunakan model RWS untuk menyingkat waktu.
Stationary and in-motion weighing
- Depending on the combined weight indicator, the axles of the vehicle can be weighed while stationary or in motion:
- The stationary weighing function allows the vehicle to be weighed by adding up the weights of the individual axles. As well as being the most cost-effective way to weigh, it avoids penalties due to axle overloading.
- The in-motion weighing function allows you to minimize weighing time.
- ECEM-AXLE: CE approval for static axle weighing system with WWS/RWS and 3590 Touch Screen, with AF09 weighing program.
- DINICAL: Connection to a Dini Argeo indicator and calibration
- RWSAI: Kit made up of 2 level bars for RWS installation
- Capacity Load: Hingga 20t dan mendeteksi kelebihan gandar hingga 30t (lihat manual produk untuk kondisi penggunaan dan perawatan).
3590E weight indicator in "AF09" version, OIML R134 certified
- 3590EGTBOX8 :
- Column or wall STAINLESS steel kiosk fitted with weight indicator, 8" touchscreen display and AF03GT software for vehicle weighing and weighbridge management. Equipped with thermal printer and RFID reader.
- 3590EGT8 :
- 8-inch Touch Screen indicator with stainless steel IP68 case. Tilting version with stainless steel support for bench/wall installation. Internal Ethernet port as standard. Fitted with AF01 software as standard.
- 3590EGT :
- Colour Touch Screen indicator with AF01 software. Stainless steel IP68 case.
- 3590ET :
- Touch screen indicator with AF01 software. ABS enclosure. Colour Display.
- AF09 :
- Software for dynamic and static axle weighing with 1 or 2 pads.

Certifications and approvals
- The system is CE approved according to Directive 2014/31/EU (NAWI, static weighing) for verification of the axle weight.
- The system is also OIML R134 certified for in-motion weighing (dynamic) of the whole vehicle, at a maximum speed of 5km / h with a weighing accuracy of 2% (sum of the weight of the axles, depending on the rules in force in the country of use).
- The system is approved in Italy as a weighing instrument with automatic operation, for in-motion road vehicle weighing according to Decree no.267995 of 19/9/2019.
- The system is also approved for dynamic weighing in various European countries (for further information please contact our sales office).
- CD5 :
- Service with Dini Argeo indicator (only at time of order)
- ISO-9001 DINI ARGEO calibration report, from 15001 a 60000kg, for single scale/platform. For WBSA, DTW and RWS. ACCREDIA reference weights.